Facts About Vets & Suicide

What’s the problem?

What are the key risk factors of suicide veterans?

What are some important protective factors for veterans?

Camaraderie with other veterans Optimism, resilience, wellness
Treatment for PTSD and depression Restrict access to guns/weapons
Family, Community and Veteran support Good coping/stress mgt. skills

What are some of the early warning signs of suicide risk?

Contact a mental health or medical provider or 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and press 1 to be connected to a VA counselor if you encounter any of these behaviors:

Hopelessness/helpless/ no way out Rage, anger, revenge, reckless behavior
Feeling alienated and socially isolated Increasing alcohol and/or drug use
Withdrawal from family, friends Anxiety, agitation, sleep problems
Dramatic mood changes Citing no reason for living

What are the immediate danger signs of high suicide risk?

Immediately call 9-1-1 or 610-279-6100 if you encounter someone:

What can you do to help reduce suicide in a veteran?


If you or someone you know is thinking
about suicide, please call (610)279-6100